Join LDG’s Luisa MacCormack as we explore the world of the inimitable Louise Bourgeois!
Known for her site specific and monolithic sculptures, her haunting installations and her skill as a sculptor, unbeknownst to many, Louise Bourgeois’ oeuvre also includes a collection of literally thousands of drawings. Made over the span of her seventy year career, Bourgeois’ drawings are perhaps the most immediate of the artists’s works – often created late at night whilst suffering from insomnia, or as a kind of creative diary, the drawings explore universal and deeply emotional themes, all through the medium of doodling.
This class will explore Louise Bourgeois’ obsession with Drawing through a series of mindful drawing exercises, working both from imagination, some of Bourgeois’ own writings, and from her oeuvre, expect a series of unusual therapeutic exercises designed to make use of drawing as a cathartic tool.
You will need
LOTS of paper, Red ink or pens, Pencils and Black ink or Pens
‘Drawings are thought feathers, they are ideas that I seize in mid-flight and put down on paper.’
– Louise Bourgeois
“The realistic drawings are a way of pinning down an idea. I don’t want to lose it. With the abstract drawings, when I’m feeling loose, I can slip into the unconscious.”
– Louise Bourgeois
“I know that when I finish a drawing, my anxiety level decreases,” she once said. “When I draw it means that something bothers me, but I don’t know what it is. So it is the treatment of anxiety.”
– Louise Bourgeois
This class is part of London Drawing Group’s Feminist Lecture Program, https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/feminist-lecture-programme-171369 a rotating weekly lecture program dedicated to discussing all things Feminist. New topics each week!
Please read the following FAQ’s as you may find the answer you are looking for already listed below. If these do not answer your question, then please email us with the subject heading “UNRESOLVED ENQUIRY” and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
Looking forward to doodling with you all!
Thank you for your patience!
Love, LDG
Once you have booked your place, you will be able to access information on how to join the event via your eventbrite “Online Event Page”. You can access this by signing into eventbrite using the email that you booked with.
What other LDG classes do you have coming up?
You can book and find all events info here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/london-drawing-group-11407647443
Is there a Recording?
Yes, all classes have a recording sent an hour after the live session. The recording will be available for seven days.You will be able to watch the recording ONCE within the 7 day period.
What time does the class start where I am?
All our classes take place UK TIME
You can use this site to convert UK time to where you are: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
How do I attend your classes?
You need to book your place via our eventbrite page: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/london-drawing-group-11407647443
Our classes take place online via Zoom. You will need to download and register with zoom
We will then send you a link to join the live class and/or recording depending on your ticket selection.
We send you the link to the class or more info about your recording a day before and again on the day of the event.
If you cannot find them, Please check your junk folders for eventbrite emails from us.
I haven’t received the link to the live zoom class, what should I do?
Please wait a day before your class to receive your link.
Check your junk/spam folder for an eventbrite email from us.
If you still can’t find it email us at londondrawinggroup@gmail.com clearly stating the class title in the subject heading.
What materials do I need?
The materials you will need are stated in the class description.
All refund requests can only be processed via eventbrite before the event start time. Please login to your eventbrite where you will be required to state a reason for your refund.
Thank you for your interest and support!
Best wishes,