FREE New York Life Drawing

We’ve been helping people for 18 years now, learning on how to draw or enjoy their hobby and up to exhibiting so it is vital for us to keep on helping you so that the Art keeps prevailsing in this Digital age.
We offer Free Life Drawing/Figure Drawing classes to anyone wanting to improve their skills, learn to draw, but in return ask you to give us your feedbacks after each class from our website or by email at eukart at, no matter how good or bad they are and thank you in advance.
After 2 sessions you’ll decide if this is for you or not and, if it is, then you could join our New York International Life Drawing Meetup group on Meetup. This is a very simple exchange…
All our events and classes show on our website home page where our Donation button is also there to be used, as models really do their very best when Artists also do theirs so feel free have a look at with events on our home page and Prices page to discover how you can Draw more and still afford to donate to our models.
From Art modeling being one of the worst job on the planet, now being one of the best, as in 2005 we trippled their wages, life modeling then became a great job. Because of that Life Drawing/Figure Drawing classes boomed in the UK, then France and helped/influenced around the globe.
For you to get even happier creatively and Socially, we have Free Portrait sessions on Tuesday, always at that same time, with chat and giggles. Donations here we’ll let you access to the class recording for possibly forever Portraiture fun and being able to surpass yourself. Otherwise nothing is required from you. Cameras need to be kept on and posing for other participants needs to happen at some point. This is also an event on eventbrite called Free International Portrait Drawing.
Mondays are Donations Only classes with mainly male models and Wednesday are exceptional models with the same cost ar regular Sunday classes at $9 to $13 depending on access to the recording.
Time to give it a go in 2022 and may the creative force be with you…

The Life Drawing Network

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