the Art of Grieving – through Guided Neurographica Drawing Processes

I will take a break from live group meetings throughout November and December 2022, but I know that the dark time of the year – the winter months in the Northern Hemisphere – and the holiday season can be especially challenging for many people who are grieving. This is why I am offering an Art of Grieving Replay Bundle , with 5 different guided drawing processes to support you through this time.
I am offering this bundle on a donation base, because I want it to be accessible to anyone who might need it, regardless of their financial situation.
To learn more and access this offering, please follow this link:

I am creating and offering this group, because I have experienced for myself, how much my Art is helping me on the grief journey. I am facilitating this group with the help of the Neurographica Method, which is a conscious, therapeutic, transformational art process. Neurographica can help to express and process difficult emotions, resolve inner conflicts, release blockages, and discover new perspectives.
NO prior experience or art skills are required. The drawing process will be guided step by step.
This series of Art meetings is an offering from a place of trust in the process. I am at the moment actively grieving the loss of my son, who died at 31 weeks pregnancy in the beginning of 2022. I will facilitate this group from the place where I am right now, and want to make a disclaimer that I am not a therapist, and this is not a therapy group. You will be responsible for your own well-being during our sessions, and you choose how deep you want to go during the drawing. If you feel that you might need further support, please make sure that you have people who can help and hold you (I recommend finding a grief counselor).
I hope that together we can create a space where we all will feel held, seen, and supported through whatever grief each one is experiencing. And I know this will look very different for each one of you. Each story is unique. I truly feel that we can support each other through these spaces, and I am committed to creating a new creative culture that will allow and guide us through all the feelings and emotions that might come up.
Whatever loss you suffered, wherever you are on your grief journey. You are welcome with your story and all that comes with it!
What we will do: I will prepare a simple, abstract Neurographica drawing process for each session that is related to a certain aspect of the grieving journey. Over the course of the coming months, we will work our way through different themes that might come up – like the various emotions that we experience, and other themes related to living with grief. The drawing processes are guided step by step, and offer a way to re-write your own grieving experience. This type of drawing is very much focused on the process of drawing, and not so much on the final product, so please allow yourself to experience and experiment. Also, there will be time to share about your current process, and to listen to each other in a safe space. Each session takes about 2 hours total .
What you will need: For the drawing you will need paper (simple white copy paper, or a sketch book works), and drawing materials – I like to work with simple pens (like sharpies, or colored markers) as well as colored pencils, watercolor pens, or highlighters. You are free to choose your favorite materials, and I recommend to start with whatever you have at hand (no need to purchase any expensive materials).
Below, you find the first Drawing Process that I shared in this series. It is an introductory session, to familiarize you with the Neurographica Process and to feel into what this work can do for you. This is a good point to start your journey.
You can join the group meetings whenever you feel ready.
If you would like to receive the recorded portion of future meetings (without group sharing), please also make a donation above. I will send out a recording link to all participants after each session.
More about me: Antje Howard is an artist, guide, and teacher whose main goal is to support self-discovery in a creative way. She has been working with Neurographica since 2019, offering diverse workshops and courses. Antje is originally from Germany and has an academic background in education. At the moment, she lives with her husband in rural Northern California. She is also a QiGong and Meditation teacher, and has lead Women Circles for several years. Antje holds safe and intimate spaces where you can go deep, and feel held and seen in your individual process. Learn more about her and her offerings at:


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