EG Workshop: Embroidery Explorers! with Felicity Alice – Summer

The Embroiderers’ Guild are proud to present an exciting embroidery course.
Consisting of 2, 2 hour sessions, couture hand embroiderer Felicity Alice will lead you through a wide range of hand embroidery techniques and creative practice methods, the goal is to find your unique creative handwriting.
Who for?
The workshop is for all! Beginner or advanced sewer! Wanting to learn a new creative skill? Better your wellbeing? Or simply want to try something different? These could be the workshops for you!
The course is suitable for complete beginners as well as those with some embroidery experience. All levels are welcome. The course would be perfect for anyone looking to study art/textiles, gain a new hobby, find wellbeing through craft or just try something completely different.
The workshop: Embroidery Explorers!
Embroidery Explorers! Is a two, two hour long, online workshop, spread over the course of a month. Each will be held on a Wednesday from 17:00 to 19:00, UK time, May 24th and June 21st, 2023.
Registration will allow access to both workshops.
The workshops are limited to 20 attendees so book now while “seats” are still available.
Each workshop is led online via zoom meeting and you’ll be able to share work and ask Felicity any questions.
Embroidery Explorers!
Learning contemporary approaches to traditional stitch techniques, generating individual mixed media, embroidered outcomes, with an emphasis to develop your own hand embroidery style.
“Embroidery is a method to mark our existence. Leaving evidence of our presence in stitches previously held by our touch” (Hunter, Clare; 2019).
The workshop will be broken down into “making a mark” and “creating a stamp”.
Your Tutor
Felicity Alice is an embroidery artist and freelance couture embroiderer based in England. Felicity trained at the Royal School of Needlework and has obtained a BA (Hons) Hand Embroidery, First Class degree.
Felicity Alice, explores creative boundaries by drawing parallels between traditional stitch, design and science. Her continued exploration in textured embroidery allows her to showcase cells and natural forms in a tactile way. Often drawn to use a muted colour palette to push boundaries, Felicity believes texture plays a vital role in embroidery.
Visit Felicity’s website at: or find her on instagram at:

Workshop 1: “making a mark”
Date: May 24th, 2023. 17:00 – 19:00 BST
The first workshop; “making a mark” , will explore letting the imagination run free, having no set rules, just experimenting differently with a variety of materials in a contemporary way.
It will act as a foundation for the development of contemporary pieces that carry your unique handwriting style.
Workshop 2 – “creating a stamp”
Date: June 21st, 2023. 17:00 – 19:00 BST
The second workshop; “creating a stamp” will further explore embroidery techniques that allow depth and volume to be added to the design as well as bead embellishment. We will also discuss the creative process that allows embroidery to be applied to any context.
During this session, you will also be given the chance to see some of Felicity’s own work and discuss ways that you can develop your own unique style.
Materials and Equipment
Here is a list of what you need to gather in order to take part in ‘Embroidery Explorers!’ at home:
Please note this list is not exhaustive, it is about you as an individual so any interesting materials that you wish to work with please bring them along!
You can order a kit from Felicity Alice for £10 plus postage.
What will the beginners embroidery kit contain?
Beginner’s Embroidery Kit
Note: This meeting will be recorded. It will be shared with ticket holders of the workshop and trustees of the Embroiderers’ Guild.
Refund Policy
Contact to request a refund.
100% up to 4 weeks before the course starts (April 26th).
50% up to 2 weeks before the course starts, unless we have a waiting list and can fill the place (May 10th).
No refunds after May 10th unless we have a waiting list and can fill the place.
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