Winter Photography for Wellbeing

12th January 10.30-12 noon for 6 weeks.
This will be a fun, informal group for those who may not have participated in something like this before and would like to dip their toe in the water!
Get together in a small group online with active tasks to do between sessions.
Well Image CIC uses photography projects to enhance physical and mental wellbeing by: engaging people with nature, enhancing creativity, connecting people and communities, encouraging mindfulness and increasing physical activity. We have a maximum of 10 places. This is a gentle course to build confidence for all participants. It is a non competitive space where we can look at photos together and encourage one another to enjoy nature wherever we may find it through the medium of photography.
The sessions are run by Vanessa Miles, a Devon based professional photographer and teacher. We will be discussing what we think makes a good picture and exploring a few known rules of composition and when it’s best to break these! Also, how to ‘see’ good natural lighting for a photograph and how best to utilise this. You will be expected to upload the photos by or email them to Vanessa by noon, the day before each online photography session.
Much of the fun is to see how others have interpreted the task and to hear their experiences. We welcome positive feedback and encouragement from participants whatever the level of photography. It is hoped that people take inspiration from each session and will see the world in whole new light!
Limited number of places available so please secure your ticket soon.
If you have any queries, do email me here .
Looking forward to meeting you.

“An excellent course with tutors who are focused, gentle and enabling.”
“I have not only found that beauty is everywhere, even in my carpark but I have started to venture out into the world once again. I have found a new joy in my life and I am proud of the pictures I have taken. I now have a creative outlet that I can continue, especially as I have had to stop other creative pursuits due to poor health. I now look around me and notice what there is to be positive about in the big wide world, even if I can’t go too far into it!”
“As  a photographic project of my own choice this is  totally different to anything I’ve ever undertaken. Noticing  light shadow and  many  more things, that Vanessa  has  taught me  and the  group over the  last 6  weeks, has  enabled me  to  rekindle my passion of  photography with  new,  and different  perspectives, on life and my  surroundings”. Judith

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