Slow Stitching a Moment In Time

When a new year approaches we start reminiscing over times gone by. Is there a memory you made in 2022 that you’d like to preserve and hold in your hands… and perhaps turn into a cushion cover? Slow stitching visionary Debra is returning for a 3 part series. Join us as we kick off the series on Saturday January 14th to create a still life through fabric scraps and fibers.
Debra has always worked with her hands. Her process is very intuitive and she rarely uses a sewing machine. As a textile artist, she composes with color, much like a painter does, but works in fiber processes: crocheting, stitching, knitting, knotting, layering and weaving.
We will work with 1/2 yard of linen, fabric scraps, needle and thread to compose our image. In the first session, we’ll experiment with our materials to compose an image. In the following sessions, we’ll learn how to bring them to life through embroidery and embellishment.
All levels are welcome and no prior experience is absolutely required, but it is helpful to know how to do a running stitch. There will be plenty of time to share, get feedback and meet other participants from around the world.
If you are not in EST time zone, be sure to convert the time .

Session 1: Setting the table
January 14 2PM – 3:30PM ET
Thoughts on the still life. We have just started a new year, perhaps having ended the last with dinner parties or just special times for us. Setting a table, decorating a home. With this in mind we will start decorating our fabric as if it was a table setting.
Session 2: Defining the moment
January 21 2PM – 3:30PM ET
Our second session will be a continuance and a time to share of how and why we chose our still life. We will go over embroidery and stitching to and ways of embellishment.
Session 3: Bringing it to life
January 28 2PM – 3:30PM ET
In the last session we will add some bead work and if desired, some words. There will be a discussion on what these might become or if they can live as is.

What you’ll need

How to join
We’ll be hosting this VAWAA Online on Zoom. We’ll send the link and details to join via email 1 day and again 1 hour before it begins.

About Debra
Debra is a Los Angeles based textile artist who has been fabric collaging and stitching for over 15 years. Prior to this, she ran a handbag and apparel line. For her, the concept of layers and transparency are symbolic of our being – she loves that she can find these qualities inherent in textile scraps. She believes we collect experiences throughout our lives. These experiences mold and change us; they sway our character. When all is said and done we remain the same person, however changed we may seem. Our integrity, our soul, our being that was birthed into this lifetime remains unchanged. Through stitching layers upon layers, she creates unity and celebrates life. She makes objects of color and beauty while thinking about what life means to her and what she has seen in the world.
Visit her artist page to learn more about her in-person VAWAA.

“One of the best workshops I’ve attended in the past year. Very friendly vibe, easy to ask questions and share work with each other. Time was allotted wonderfully for both working and watching Debra teach. Very inspiring and learned so much!” – J Johnston
“Debra’s art is wonderful. Love the layers, and detailed stitching! This technique is fascinating, meditative and fun. I see many possibilities, and am excited to continue exploring!” – Lynn Adamo
“I enjoy Debra’s approach to projects – free, improvisational, thoughtful, and appreciate her encouragement to listen to what the materials might be saying.” – Zann
“I enjoyed the class very much. It was presented well, the teachers show and tell was helpful as well as her quick response to our questions.” – Janet
“Debra creates a nice classroom environment virtually.” – Laura
“Terrific teacher whose art work I love and admire. She was so friendly and generous in the way she shared information and accessible. I think a little more information prior to the class would have better prepared me better. I wound basting too big a piece and missed the stitching talk.” – Robin Strauss
“Enjoyed the class and learning the techniques. Looking forward to more classes with additional stitches.” – Denise
“Really fun workshop. Great for loosening up your work” – Danielle

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