newYear, newMood: Goals & Vision-board Party

Curating an intentional life takes more than pretty pictures and vague goals, it requires clarity, intentionality, and accountability.
Join us for an interactive session, facilitated by Psychologist, Dr. J. This session will be a time for self-care, socializing, and learning. You’ll leave the session feeling inspired, connected, encouraged, and focused.
Registration for this event is complimentary.
-notebook, journal, or plain paper
For a digital vision board:
-Computer (laptop/tablet) or smartphone
-Internet access
-Access to a search engine (e.g., Google)
-Canva account (free or paid) or Word/Pages access
For a physical vision board:
– Poster board, cork board, or a large sheet of sturdy paper
-Photo print outs or magazine clippings of images and words that inspire you


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