Motion: Flowing v. Frozen with George Simian- Live Online

Photographs stop time – they allow us to study a moment of life in our image. Being able to control how much time is captured in our image dramatically changes the way it looks!
Super-short shutter speeds (1/1000 and up) will freeze actions that we literally can’t see in real life, and examine details that you’ve never seen before! Long shutter speeds (from 1 second and longer) will create a blurred image, a record of the travel through space of the subject during that time – shapes that you don’t see with your eyes.
Start making creative images that will capture your viewers’ attention, maximizing this unique ability of still photography to depict short or long periods of time. We will discuss the technical solutions to exposure problems, how they relate to the speed of the subject you’re photographing, and how to use contrast of light against dark to better highlight the resulting shapes! George will illustrate his demonstration with his own images, as well as show some historically significant images of frozen or flowing time.
This class is being taught on the Zoom platform.
Instructor Bio: George is an ex-East-Coast-based advertising photographer, with over 30 years’ experience of providing services to Corporate and Editorial clients. Projects have included providing photography for annual reports, advertising and marketing materials, and magazine features shot on locations around the world. A life-long advocate for photographers’ rights, he has served on both the national and the LA board of directors of the American Photographic Artists and currently leads the Los Angeles Digital Imaging Group. George is also a photography educator who has taught at UCLA Extension (2007 Instructor of the Year), Samy’s Camera, and one-on-one. Every summer George leads travel photography workshops in Bali, Indonesia. In August 2011 George was recognized as one of the 13 Best Workshop Instructors, nationwide, by PDN Magazine, the Bible of the commercial photography industry. In July 2018 Digital Photo Pro Magazine profiled him and his specialized lighting of dancers and acrobats, in a feature article that can be read here (

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