Flash Apparel

Inspired by Italy’s Carnevale, a proper antidote to February’s* dreariness, this workshop explores the colourful world of costume. We’ll look at examples of ‘dress-up’ being used in protest, art and celebration. We’ll ponder the playful and serious side of disguises and avant-garde apparel.
There will be prompts inspired by ceremonies, celebrations and serious statements and an invitation to share your fancy-dress flashbacks and wardrobe wishes. There will also be readings of flash fiction inspired by/featuring costume.
*Apologies to romantics, Pisces, Aquarians and folks in the southern hemisphere, I dread February in the UK. It’s grey and cold and long.
Anika Carpenter is a flash fiction author and workshop facilitator based in Brighton, UK. Her work has been shortlisted for the Bath Flash Fiction Award and the Bridport Prize, nominated for Best of the Net and Best Small Fiction. You can find her stories in numerous anthologies and online at Ellipsis Zine, The Molotov Cocktail, Janus Literary and among others.
?Anika has devised and run a variety of inspiring and playful events, from creative speed dating sessions for artists and poets to drawing & writing games in an empty swimming pool and an orchard-based creative retreat for writers, dancers, filmmakers and musicians..??Anika received a Fine Art MA (distinction) with a Postgraduate Certificate in Education from Kingston University in 2010. She spent two years studying poetry at City Lit, London, UK.

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