Community Readings for Collective Healing

Are you curious what working with me is like?
Join me once a month for live gallery readings and teachings on my YouTube and Twitch pages.
Come ready with the intention to connect with life guidance or a love one in Spirit.
When it is show time, just head to one of the below links to watch the video from the feed.
**If the video doesn’t appear, refresh the page until you see the live video.
Drop a comment once you’re in so I know you’re there.
Every 3rd Thursday: Find me on YouTube , and Twitch @ 5pm PST/8pm EST
Join my mailing list here to win a free reading on the next livestream!
To win a free reading:
A few days before the livestream, my mailing list receives an image to share on their social media. The winner of the free reading will join me on video at the beginning of the livestream.
1. Share the image to your Instagram and tag @krisellcan.medium to be entered into a drawing for a free reading on the next livestream.
2. The winner will be announced by email and messaged directly with details to join the livestream on camera.
How To Prepare
Write down who you want to connect with or what type of guidance you are seeking (love, family, finance, career, spirituality). I recommend giving someone 6 months after they transition to Spirit to heal. Regardless, I’ll try my best to connect but Spirit gives us exactly what we need. I’ll talk more about all of this during the live.
This is going to be a fun event. I will see you there!
Krisell (She/Her) is a multi-dimensonal medium, Filipinx living in diaspora, on the unceded ancestral lands of the Kizh people. She empowers femmes of color and their allies to live with purpose, confidence, and integrity through grounded spirituality. She began developing her psychic abilities as a form of self-care and learned to do readings as a bonus. After learning a number of modalities, she recognized a common foundation to all modalities of awareness, movement, and flow and it is the foundation of how she serves her community.
She studied psychic development, subconscious programming, and embodiment practices with Hillary Michaels of the Los Angeles School for Spiritual Arts, Meika Cooper of Happy Medium, Tricia Carr of Charmed Life with Tricia Carr, Crystal Anne Compton of the Lightworkers Lab, Lauren Antuofermo of Soulful Transformations, Victoria Vives Khoung of EarthSky People, Veronica Mercado of Mayari Circle, Janelle Hetchcoat of Jupiter Soundscape, Virgil Mayor Apostol, Heather Rebecca Wilson, Imee Dalton of Mayari Moon Apothecary, Julia Cannon of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, Tori Washington of Wealth Embodiment Flow, and Juliet C. Obodo.
For more information and to work with Krisell, visit .
By receiving a reading you agree to the following terms and conditions: The readings that I provide are for guidance only. What you decide to do with the information that I give you, including any actions you take, is down to your own personal responsibility and choice. All readings and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons we have to advise you that the readings are for entertainment purposes only. My services are not a substitute for professional services and it is advised that you should seek advice from the relevant qualified expert.

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