Fashion Illustration for Teens (age 12+) ONLINE CLASS

In this fun 8 week program for ages 12+, teen fashionistas will have a blast learning to draw fashion poses and design outfits and accessories on paper. We’ll explore various mediums including coloured pencils, markers, watercolours and paint pens. While the core of the course is focused on drawing skills, we’ll also be introduced to Canadian fashion designers and get a peek into what it’s like to have a career in fashion and/or illustration.
There will be guest speakers from the industry (on zoom) who will answer questions, offer insights and give us a look at their creative world – their studio and new designs in progress. For young people interested in style, fashion and drawing, this program will open creative doors and possible career paths. Basically, I’m creating the program that teenage me would have loved!
We’ll look at the messages the fashion industry and influencer culture is sending, and look at the designers and brands that are paving the way for the future with more body diversity, inclusiveness and environmental sustainability. We’ll look at ways to repurpose textiles and the impact textile waste is having on the planet.
Art techniques we will cover include
– figure drawing- using a croquis – faces- hair- accessory design – adding shading to create dimension- creating textures- drawing the folds and dimensionality of clothing- and more!

This workshop is perfect for teens who:
– love to draw or want to learn how
– are into fashion and styling their own outfits
– dream of a career in fashion or style

Even if you don’t know how to draw, you’ll be amazed at the gorgeous illustrations you’ll be able to create using the techniques in the class.
A supply list will be sent with registration. You’ll be able to get the basic supplies for under $50.

Please note: This is an 8 week session starting Thursday January 12, 3:45 to 5:15 pm .

About your instructor – Hi! I’m Laura-Jean Bernhardson, and I’ve had a wonderful 30 year career in fashion. I had my own line of clothing as well as 3 stores selling locally made Canadian designer clothing (Fresh Collective). After the pandemic, I shifted my career to art and art workshops, but my love of fashion and style is still there. I created this class in hopes of reaching those teenagers who were just like me and giving them a space to learn and explore fashion and style. My goal is to give them a glimpse of possible futures in fashion or even just creative careers where they can be their own fabulous selves.
LGBTQ+ friendly (as all spaces should be)

If you have questions, please email me at

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