Fantastic Filigree (calligraphy/art class)

This class is a hands-on introduction to the traditional decorative technique known as filigree, often used to “dress up” decorated capitals and create lovely borders in manuscripts and other fine art pieces from the Middle Ages to the current day. We will start from scratch, with no previous experience required. If you can trace a simple outline and draw a basic heart shape freehand, you can do this!
Once we have covered the basics, we will be expanding into additional filigree patterns and variations, and will also explore the mysteries of one of the most frequently seen decorative elements in historical manuscripts: the puzzle letter! (The techniques you will learn in this class have been modified slightly from the historical methods in order to suit the modern artist’s approach and materials.)
NOTE: This course is a combined and expanded version of what was formerly two separate classes: Filigree 1 and Filigree 2 .
WHO: This class is designed for adults and mature adolescents.
WHERE: Online via Zoom. This will be a small-group live interactive online class, so each student can have their questions answered and get individual feedback as needed.
RECORDINGS: After each class lesson, the recording of it will be available for you to save to your own computer to review at your leisure forever (assuming technology cooperates).
WHEN: This class includes four weekly lessons, on Saturdays, January 14 through February 11, 2023 (no class February 28), from 1:00 to 3:00 pm Eastern Time.
SUPPLIES: The supply list can be found here: Supply list for Fantastic Filigree class
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Go to More details and check out all of the classes taught by this instructor. You may also sign up for regular updates on all of her upcoming classes by emailing her at
FOR QUESTIONS, email the instructor, Cheryl Tefft, at
ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: Cheryl Tefft of Calligraphics has been a professional calligrapher for over a quarter of a century and teaches about 200 calligraphy/decoration classes per year. She specializes in calligraphy for weddings and one-of-a-kind highly decorated documents, working with both traditional and contemporary lettering styles and techniques. More of her work may be seen at Calligraphics on Facebook and in various issues of Martha Stewart Weddings magazine.

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