Counted Thread Designs – From Inspiration to Print with Bethany Hughes

Bethany invites you into Honeyapple Meadow – a country estate set in the south of England in the early/mid 19th century
Bethany Hughes was born and grew up in the south-east corner of England and now lives in Warwickshire, central England. Since being very small and encouraged by a talented artist mother and long-suffering father, Bethany has stitched, drawn and made ingenious ‘things’ – no egg box, piece of string, random fragment of paper or pot of glue was safe (and still isn’t). Weekends and holidays were spent visiting art galleries, museums, stately homes and historic gardens, sparking Bethany’s lifelong passion for art and history. Bethany went on to study Landscape Architecture at Edinburgh College of Art, leaving with a Master’s degree and a wardrobe full of thermals and handmade fancy-dress costumes.

Bethany started selling her original counted thread embroidery designs under the name ‘ Blue Coppice ’ in 2004, after being inundated by requests for the charts of her pieces in the early days of Internet forums. Life intervened and while Bethany continued to design and stitch, Blue Coppice took a back seat to life events, including getting married, serious illness and a second degree in Classical Studies with Art History.

By 2019, life had settled down and Bethany decided the time was right to relaunch Blue Coppice with a brand-new website and many more completed designs. Now she sends little pieces of the beautiful English countryside across the world as many more people enter Bethany’s quirky, whimsical world.
A temporary recording will be made available for registered guests, who may not be able to attend the live event upon request.
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