A Sensual Start to 2023

The new year can be tough on us all. Which is why I want to explore some sensual embodiment to ground us in our sensual selves as we cultivate gratitude for the past year and set our intentions for the year ahead.
In this workshop we will explore our sensual intentions, dive into some pleasure education, and bring to life our desires through creative eroticism to make the transition into 2023 an exciting one.
Transitions can feel extra difficult so let’s bring gentleness, curiosity and playfulness into our daily lives.
Guests are invited to be as passive or active as they please.
What we will cover:
– intention: we will look at what areas of your life you are feeling stuck in and focus on what outcomes you want going forward
– education: learn about the power of pleasure and science of sensuality in deepening your understanding of your own body wisdom
– creation: through writing, drawing, or vision boarding we will tap into our erotic energy and design our own map of how to get you where you want to be!
What you need (optional):
– pen and paper
– magazines, scissors, glue, paper
– colouring pens/pencils, paper

Oli Lipski, The Queer Sensualist

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