ONLINE / IN PERSON 1-1 Photography Lessons with Eva Kalpadaki

Great for adults, photography students who need study support and children to keep them busy and entertained and learn something new at the same time!
     abstract photography/close-up photography
     still life
     portrait photography with house available lights or natural light
     constructed landscape photography by making your own landscape
     smartphone photography
     photographic composition
     feedback on your photographs
     help in building a photography portfolio
     mentorship in starting and developing a project
     study support in your university projects

And much more….it depends on your interests and needs
ONLINE TECHNOLOGY – SKYPE or Google Meet and exchange of handouts and photographs by email
CAMERAS – Smartphones, DSLR cameras, ipads, all camera devices welcome
For pay-as-you-go individual sessions
£45/hour per adult or kid (over 10 years old)
£30/hour per kid (plus one parent for free for ages under 10 )
For 1-1 courses or workshops
Price depends on your specific request
WHEN – whenever it suits you and fits the rest of your weekly schedule
HOW LONG –  Your 1-1 lessons can last as long as you want 
INFO email me on e

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