Meditative Painting Art & mindfulness

During this one hour online session, participants will be guided in experiencing some simple mindfulness and art techniques.
you don’t need to be Picasso to take part !!!
This is a chance to build some ‘me’ time into your day and experience the positive effects that art-making can bring to your body and mind spirit.
Meditative Painting or mindful art is a form of meditation using creative technique drawing painting allowing your imagination to flow playing and letting go to allow spontaneous moments to bring forth images. There is no judging of what comes, simply an embodied awareness that is expressed creatively and, ideally, freely.
connecting you to your creative self as a result
Mindfulness Painting has been a useful way to physically and emotionally express the process of being mindful and let go of stress to prevent burn-out. As you paint, you become ever more present in the now moment, allowing creativity to ignite and arise spontaneously from your deepest energy source.
Theresa Janday Artist And Designer founder of Love Authentic Me has extensive experience from her own personal life as well as working with clients using the creative processes and mindful processes meditation and other holistic therapies to help people connect to their creative self
In this session, we’ll have a mindful look at colour. You will require:

materials or your choice,
from paint to colored pens pastels to make a mark with
any kind of recycled paper such as newspapers, magazines, packaging, old wrapping paper what ver you have we can work with

You will receive a link to the meeting recording for private youtube access please use the email you use to book with as this is the one that will be added to allow you access.
this session is pre-recorded live so you can view it at any time anywhere in the world it’s in English and currently not available in other languages.
if you are unable to view this link please contact us to resend the link and add your email to access the privet youtube video if you have any Q”s do not hesitate to contact me ( please bear in mind your country’s time zone may mean a delay in me replaying )

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