Life Drawing – Short Poses

Are you ready to kickstart or re-ignite your drawing practice? You’re in luck. We’re kicking off the term of Life Drawing with a ‘Back to Basics’ class. Suitable for total beginners or more experienced artists looking to refresh their skills, join us to talk about gesture, shadow & tone and the fun & frustration of drawing from life!
This class is suitable for ALL LEVELS – Think you can only draw a stick man? Perfect. Everyone is welcome to join this class.
You Will Need: Paper, we recommend A3 to allow for expressive, flowing lines. Something to draw with! Charcoal would be great but you can also experiment with pencils, pen, soft pastels, oil pastels etc – whatever you have in your home!
NOTE: Webcam needs to be ON at ALL TIMES to be admitted and remain in the class!
The meeting link will be OPEN 10 minutes prior to the start of the class and it will be LOCKED 5 minutes after start of class. So, PLEASE be on time!!!
Custom poses may be requested during the class. Nudity is expected in this class.
NOTE: The meeting link will be E-mailed to you prior to starting the class!
The intent of this class is just to feel free and practice your drawing skills.