Italian Futurism, Part II: Embracing Modern Sport, Flight, & War' Webinar

Shortly after the first manifesto of Futurism was published in 1909 by Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, the arts in Italy became an important tool to spread this intense need for modernization and new sense of modern identity. While Futurist artists began creating a radically new language, which emphasized multiplicity of perspective, movement, and speed, some also embraced violence and war. What made this art movement so different than the ones before it, and what legacy did it leave behind? It’s time to explore the art, artists, and movement of Italian Futurism like never before.
Join New York Adventure Club for a two-part series that explores the extremely radical art movement of Italian Futurism (1909-1944) and how its art was conceived to not only reflect a rapidly changing society, but also to heavily influence it. In Part Two — Embracing Modern Sport, Flight, & War—  we’ll examine the Futurist artists’ embrace of sports and aviation — as well as war, destruction, and violence — in their quest for a dynamic modern life.
Led by Sylvia Laudien-Meo — art historian, museum educator, and NYC tour guide — this art-centric virtual journey will feature:

Afterward, we’ll have a Q&A with Sylvia — any and all questions about Italian Futurism are welcomed and encouraged!
Can’t make it live? Don’t worry, you’ll have access to the full replay for one week after the entire series concludes !
See you there, virtually!

*Immediately upon registering, you will receive a separate, automated email containing the link to join this webinar
**For the best possible viewing experience, please ensure you’re using the latest version of your internet browser — Google Chrome is the most compatible. Exact technical requirements and a webinar user guide will be shared in the automated confirmation email upon registration.
***A full replay of the experience will be available to all registered guests for up to a week

About Sylvia
Sylvia Laudien-Meo is a freelance Art Historian who works in and around the city in various capacities, specializing on Modern and Contemporary art, with a strong focus on Public Art. She teaches art history at Fairleigh Dickinson University and has been working as a museum educator at MoMA, the Guggenheim and the Jewish Museum for over many years, engaging visitors in conversation based, interactive art experiences of permanent collections and changing exhibitions.
For the Municipal Art Society, UFT, Brandeis Univ., and private clients, she has been touring the city for over 20 years, exploring art and architecture, parks, neighborhoods and history. Working in various different capacities gives her a unique opportunity to make intriguing connections and weave together the complex perspectives that make out the tapestry of our fascinating city.
SLM holds a Masters Degree in Art History (with minors in History and American Studies) from the Joh. Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany, as well as a Tourism degree from the EST in Paris France.

Italian Futurism Series
Part I: Art as Rebellion
Part II: Embracing Modern Sport, Flight, & War

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Categories: Virtual, Art & Entertainment

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