How Learning To Draw Can Help You Thrive In Retirement

Don’t think you can draw? Well actually you can and it is never too late. In fact, there is now researched backed evidence that learning to draw helps prevent cognitive decline as you age. Learn about the benefits of drawing in later life and how to get started right now.
I’m Sharon McNeil, and I’ve been teaching people to draw for 20 years. Now I’ve pivoted from teaching at the college level to teaching mature adults who want to enrich their retirement. I’ve seen a real need out there. People are lonely, they need something engaging to keep them occupied and I don’t mean busy work. Learning to draw fundemantally changes how you see the world around you. I had a client recently say after a drawing event, “I feel I’m discovering a part of me that I didn’t know exhisted.”
In this live presentation I’ll talk about how important it is to plan for your mental health in retirement as well as your wealth, how drawing may be the answer for you, and how you can start learning to draw right away.

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