FREE New year guided Life Drawing with "good for you" conditions…

Free For anyone and everyone who:
What we’ll do:
Poses: Medium and dynamic Short Poses from 30 secs to 20/25 mins.
Tutor: Tony James Picanco, Portrait Artist, Founder of, previously the Life Drawing Society. Worked hard at saving in Person classes from 2004, it is now a buzzing industry globally. Influenced in all possible ways from New ideas, prices, styles to advertising/Media as seen on TV, London West end, radio, Press, Youtube.. Before 2004 Tony was a Press, model, Music and event Photographer and a Creative House Builder/renovator in the UK. Grew up in Paris/Montmartre, where he drew tourists on sunny days, started a Graphic Design (on Paper)business and brought computers and softwares to the French film industry as a job & Business. Buddhist and always trying to fix problems and issues.
Modeling Style: Nude Art modeling
Timing: This is a true drop in anytime Class allowing those with not so good connection to pop in and out at anytime. Those times are for 00 Greenwich time line, for other time lines please see our guide on our home and events page at
All our classes start around 6.30pm UK time.
Prices: Dollars are about 20% higher numbers so £6 converts into $8
Share your Drawings:
It is becoming much easier to do that (but could be easier), simply take a snap with your mobile and privately share on the following links so we can add them to our Newsletters, our Members drawings gallery, Flickr, our “Creative friends” group on FB and our Art Map, using your name rather than surname. Keeping our members and models private is our absolute priority which is why we don’t sell their videos/recordings. We protect with passwords, video hiring with encryption and if asked can create storage folders for you with latest encryption (Maximum security).
While I spend an other hour after every class uploading the saved videos, please upload your drawings in one of the following folders, depending on drawings and/or the classes you attended.
Art Map:
In 2022 when you open your eyes again, after weeks of Christmas isolation, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find a Map, where thousands of people and organizations will appear anywhere and everywhere in the World where they’ll be able to work, draw, Create together.
Togetherness rather than Business:
We tried for the last 18 years to open new classes in new places, where no one has ever drawn before (about 300 in London UK), trying to bring classes to everyone, everywhere where no one has drawn before… Now it has become much easier with zoom to just do that, so I can happily, continue what I started, which was to save in person classes from disappearing, and keep on improving, influencing, giving, sharing more than ever in 2022.
How to Access to a Class:
You only need to install Zoom from on any device you are planning to use. Connecting your laptop to your big TV is highly recommended. You can then use the link you’ll receive by email (or the Meeting ID which is simply the numbers used in the URL link). For Free events this is the usual method but for paid events you usually buy a ticket on our home page at or Eventbrite only if you are only interested in going to the Live event (FREE). We do not use passwords and only have our Waiting room from which we let you in rapidly at anytime.
Once you are in, you land in the waiting room so you know that the meeting is definitely happening and that you’ll be accepted in very soon. Once you’ve been accepted in, you can switch on your Sound, video and ask any question using the chat function. The quickest way to unmute yourself is to hold the space bar on your laptop, otherwise click on the mike icon at the bottom of your screen. All will be muted, including the model if needed during the Drawing time.
In a meeting: Please make sure your phone is on Silent, just in case, keep yourself muted and if you happen to not find your email with the ticket and zoom link then please do not hesitate to text me on +44 7951613705 (call or voicemails aren’t used due to spammers) or email me, Tony, at eukart at You can also find Zoom support videos on Youtube or on their website at
Please keep your camera on so we get to know who you are and models feel better too.
Recording any class or image from any of our events is strongly Illegal and models can sue anyone who does with legal aid.
All our Events/classes show on our home page at thelifedrawingnetwork. com where all tickets and plans are (prices page). Please if you read this buy your ticket here from Eventbrite as they are also doing an amazing job.
Tony James
eukart at / 0044 7951613705 (always text first)

The Life Drawing Network

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