Creative Journalling

Creative Journalling live online 7-9pm Thursday evenings from 19th Jan 2023
In this five-week course, in a small, friendly group, we’ll start the new year exploring creative approaches to journalling our lives. Taking as our starting point Morning Pages (The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron) we’ll expand and explore different ways of capturing, responding to and making sense of day-to-day living.
How does it feel to be really present, both to our joys, mundane routines and real-world fears? Is journalling a process or a product – or both? What are we making, and who is it for?
Led by writer, creative practitioner and therapist Mandy Ross, we’ll draw on poetry, story and artists’ journals for inspiration and starting points to write and create in a range of media.
Mandy Ross is a writer and workshop leader with a real gift for sharing creativity… both the process and the outcomes are always full of real originality – Jonathan Davidson, Writing West Midlands
I found your class such a safe place to grow – me and all of us – our writing. You managed to create both private and shared spaces around us. It was a little miracle every Monday evening – participant

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