Comic Diary Club

Welcome to Comic Diary Club!!!
Do you have an interest in comic diaries? Autobio comics? Diary comics? Graphic memoirs? No matter what you call them–it’s a creative way to document snippets of your life.
Join me every Tuesday from 8 to 9pm EST to brainstorm what you’d like to create, or if you just want to be surrounded by a supporting community as you draw. No art background necessary.
Materials needed: sketchbook or paper, pen, paper, art coloring materials of your choice
About Yawatta Hosby:
Yawatta teaches creative writing and how to draw comics in her artist groups online. She’s been a self-published author since 2013, having written over six novellas. Her short stories have been featured in horror anthologies. Since she loves drawing too, Yawatta’s decided to try her hand at creating a graphic novel–the best of both worlds. In the meantime, she focuses on drawing mini-comics, zines, and comic diaries. Two of her comic diary pages have been featured in “I Don’t Do Comics,” which is a comic anthology based in Canada.
In February of 2021, she started her company Draw With Yawatta in the hopes of getting people curious about comic diaries. Her comic diary workshops are a safe place to learn about yourself as you experiment with drawing. A comic diary is just for you. Have fun. Have the courage to put your story down on paper. Have a desire to express yourself through words and drawings.
Wanting to inspire and motivate others to follow their dreams, Yawatta loves hearing when someone wants to be in the creative field! She believes that your story matters, so let’s discover your inner-artist together.

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