Bad Art Night – Virtually

Why you might like to come to a Bad Art Night.
In the words of the originator, Laurie Phillips, along with her husband, she was asked why bad art. “It implies NO standards, no expectations, and very high self-esteem. Bad art is all about conscious, dedicated badness ~ in community ~ as a tool of liberation.
After spending a good majority of my life trying to figure out who & what I needed to be, to be good enough, I finally let myself art. Talk about liberating.
There are so many memes floating around social media that joke about the amount of art supplies we buy, or fabric we’ve stashed. I won’t even mention the wool. They all say, “imagine the possibilities.” For me, the possibilities speak to being free to express whatever I want, however I want. Up until the pandemic I just kept collecting. I was too afraid what I’d draw or create would be awful & who wants to feel like a failure, so why start?
I’ve had the fortune to be able to art in the company of great women, in community, over the past couple of years. It’s wonderful, sharing, being inspired, inspiring, learning, listening, telling stories, laughing, all while creating art, for no other reason than the pleasure of using your hands & following your heart & intuition.
There’s a magical thing that happens when like-minded people gather in community. In this instance, it’s called creating bad art and having fun together.
I would love to host this twice a month if there’s interest. This isn’t a promotional tool that’s leading anywhere. It’s simply bad art. This is no get rich scheme, but I do have some real costs associated with hosting, which is why the small registration of $10. (That’s Canadian, which is like almost free to my American Arters)
What you’ll need
Most importantly your curiosity and willingness to play!
If you’re anything like me, you’ll have a closet or a couple of boxes filled with art supplies. Markers, coloured pens, pencils, acrylic paint & brushes, maybe some pastels, crayons, glue, paper, scissors, fabric even, what ever you’d like.
We’ll begin with a short intro to each other and then we’ll dive into creating some bad art, during our 90 minutes together.
There will be some time for sharing & celebrating our bad art. No pressure to share though.
The event will not be recorded.
Registration is $10.00 Canadian. There are no refunds available. If you find you won’t be able to attend, please let me know & I will register you for a future night.

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