A month of flash fiction revision & feedback exchange

Do you have a folder full of drafts waiting to be coaxed into beautiful story shapes, or a brand new piece that you’re keen to work on? Whether you have a collection of long-forgotten tales, freshly emerged flashes, or both, head over to The Flash Cabin for a month of reworking, editing and feedback.
This course runs for four weeks and includes twenty revision-focused exercises with accompanying study stories. Participants share a WIP to the forum for peer and facilitator feedback.
The Flash Cabin is a friendly and supportive space where participants are encouraged to develop their feedback skills. Guidance is provided for anyone new to giving and receiving feedback.
Anika Carpenter is a flash fiction author and workshop facilitator based in Brighton, UK. Her work has been shortlisted for the Bath Flash Fiction Award and the Bridport Prize, nominated for Best of the Net and Best Small Fiction. You can find her stories in numerous anthologies and online at Ellipsis Zine, The Molotov Cocktail and Janus Literary among others.
Anika has devised and run a variety of inspiring and playful events, from creative speed dating sessions for artists and poets to drawing & writing games in an empty swimming pool and an orchard-based creative retreat for writers, dancers, filmmakers and musicians. She is currently a host for Retreat West’s generative writing sessions, Friday Flashing.??Anika received a Fine Art MA (distinction) with a Postgraduate Certificate in Education from Kingston University in 2010. She spent two years studying poetry at City Lit, London, UK.
You can find her on Twitter @StillSquirrel

£0 – £43.71
The Flash Cabin

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